Many people have made this a full time job, while others prefer part time. You decide on what assignments you want to take. Many shoppers are earning between $10 and $40 per hour just for having fun! This is perfect for Stay at home moms, college students as well as the retired!!
This opportunity is not limited to just women. Many men have been successful mystery shoppers!
You can start immediately! Most companies will send assignments right to your email inbox! Just register with as many companies as you like and wait for job offers to pour in! Then, select the jobs you want and email or call them! You can make UNLIMITED Income! It is that easy!
This is so awesome! Just take the assignments you want and get paid! Listen to this.. how would you like a free cruise or how about going to an amusement park for the day FREE plus get your concession costs reimbursed PLUS get paid! This is VERY MUCH possible by joining our program!
Bring your children along too! Many of the companies are looking for people with children to Mystery Shop! They need to know how children are being treated or accommodated and what better way to do this but by hiring YOU! is your one-stop resource and we have everything you need to get started! We will be with you every step of the way and also provide you with all of the necessary contacts via our database. We have nearly 200 agencies in our database and the list is growing everyday!
We also include a resource to search for jobs in your area! This little known resource lets you choose your city and state and press search! You really won't believe the need for this service! There are so many opportunities it is hard to imagine!
There are currently opportunities in EVERY US STATE & CANADA!
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