Monday, November 3, 2008

Earn Over A Million Dollars A Year Without A Website

If your life is like mine was once, being rudely awoken by an annoying alarm clock each morning, only to get dressed in the clothes that I had to buy for work, driving through morning traffic in a car that I was still paying for, in order to get to a job I needed, so I could pay for the clothes, pay for the car, and pay for the home I left empty all day in order to afford to live in it...

... then why not do what I did and let the Easy Way Millionaire virtually take you by the hand and teach you from scratch how to build multiple Passive Income Streams on the Internet that will have you automatically earning over a million dollars a year.

Just 15 minutes from now you too could have Multiple Set-And-Forget Passive Income Streams Online that will automatically pay you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year... all without having a website, without having a product and without joining some MLM Or Network Marketing Scam"

The iProfit Ebook Package

Tired of the BS and Hype? Ready for a REAL resale rights package actually worth something...

The Complete Resale Rights Collection -Start Making Real Money Online - Immediately!

Who Else Wants To Behold The Power and Sheer Money Making Potential of Resale Rights? Make a SUBSTANTIAL Online Income 24 Hours a Day!

Complete Resale Rights Collection - Ebooks, Software, Info Products

"ANYONE Can Make Big Money Reselling The Hottest Ebooks and Software... for MUCH Less Than Most Would Expect!" --W. Carlisle, Internet Marketer

Start your own resale rights business, or expand your existing site with these huge resale rights packages! Now for a small one time investment, you will have access to a Virtual Treasure Trove of Cash Pulling Profit Centers.

This is your Instant Website Solution to making real money on the internet. Most of these packages have ready made sales letters allowing you to set up a working website in minutes, and the master resale rights gives you a ready made sellable product without storing any inventory.

Reselling Ebooks, Software, and other Information is quite possibly the perfect home based business in existence today!

Why Master Resale Rights Are A Good Idea
Top Quality Resale Rights Packages!  Instant Profit Centers! You Don't Have To Create ANY Content
Top Quality Resale Rights Packages!  Instant Profit Centers! It is Completely Automated With NO Warehousing and NO Inventory
Top Quality Resale Rights Packages!  Instant Profit Centers! Professional Sales Page Already Created - just upload and GO!
Top Quality Resale Rights Packages!  Instant Profit Centers! You Keep 100% of All The Profits!
Top Quality Resale Rights Packages!  Instant Profit Centers! Repackage Products Together to Create New "Exclusive" Packages
Top Quality Resale Rights Packages!  Instant Profit Centers! The Packages are in HOT Demand!
Top Quality Resale Rights Packages!  Instant Profit Centers! Make Money In Your Sleep

Sell Them Individually or as a Huge Package!

These are separate resale rights packages loaded with the latest and greatest internet marketing secrets available. Some packages you may have never seen before. This is perfect for your resale rights business, allowing you the first on the market with these exciting products!

This set contains every package you will need to make a great living selling information products.

Learn While You Earn!

These packages offer very valuable information. You can learn from the material, and immediately put it into ACTION! How many other businesses offer this kind of benefit?

Click below to find out more

The Affiliate Conspiracy

The Time Nears for the Release of “The Affiliate Conspiracy”

Are you as pumped as I am about the release of “The Affiliate Conspiracy” in just a few days? I cannot wait to share with you my personal campaigns and techniques that I’ve learned from the underground super affiliates, especially because NONE of them want me to pass this golden ticket out to others.

Because I HATE playing games with people who want a better life, I’m going to give you a glimpse at what you will get when you join the team of students that want “The Affiliate Conspiracy” to change their lives. This step-by-step process is unlike anything ever produced on the Internet.

When you join the team, you’ll get to learn which type of niche marketing is right for you. You can either practice the smoking hot method, the candy from a baby method, and the pay to play method. Either way, you are in for a world of surprises.

These surprises include learning what you need to do earn four figure incomes every month, how to work off your competitors, and how to eliminate your competition. Once you’ve got this down pat, you will wonder what you ever did before you were able to ENJOY your life.

You are also going to learn how to track your competition, how to make AdWords work for you, and other Google tips and tricks. Also on the list are time-tested methods, templates, and my own personal and profitable campaigns.

I’ve got to stop before I reveal too much. The more I tell you now, the more likely one of the underground super affiliates will find out what information I’m making available to you. And when they find out they are not going to be happy.

If there is one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that people have low expectations when it comes to dreaming big. They never believe that what you see is what you get, but that is exactly what you get with me. I’ve been there and I’ve done that and I’m giving you the chance to learn from my mistakes and successes. How often does that every really happen?

Be forewarned, this isn’t for a wishy-washy person, though. It’s going to take some work and it’s going to take some effort. But, I guarantee that within just a few days, you will get the results you expected and so much more.

Blogging For Riches

Want To Learn How a Loser Went From Zero To Hero

At some point in your life you have to say to
yourself..."Enough is Enough."

You know there is something better out there. But,
unfortunately, you don't know how to get it.

Little over a year ago, Greg and Jerry asked themselves this question and answered it with a simple system to create multiple streams of income using the power of blogging to generate a life of fulfillment rather than of scarcity.

"Blogging" is the latest rage and for good reason. You can generate traffic, readers and buyers very easily and more importantly, quickly.

The search engines love them and they make adding content and monetizing them to generate income very simple.

What Greg and Jerry have done, is take a great blogging platform, Wordpress, and through trial and error have come up with a system that
generates multiple income sources, almost on autopilot.

Blogging for Riches is a step-by-step, video tutorial series, teaching you how to build a blog and monetize it. And then do it over and over
again to help you generate multiple streams of income.

Once you know the blog-building secrets that only the pro’s know, you will virtually have a license to print money!

With Blogging For Riches, you will:

=> Learn How To Create Multiple Niche Blog Networks, All Working To Make You Money;
=> Discover How To Generate Free Targeted Traffic;
=> Be Able To Own and Operate a Successful and Profitable Business

This system is guaranteed to deliver, but honestly you really need to watch the video on the site to understand everything that's included and what it will do for you.

It's time to crack the money code and achieve your goals. But you need to take the first step by learning more about Blogging For Riches.

To Your Success,

PS - Make sure you check out the bonuses, they are designed to get you up and running right away.

The Baby Boomer's Guide To Online Income

If you're losing sleep over how you'll survive retirement when there's no Social Security... no guaranteed pension fund... And no place for you in the workforce...

Then you'll finally rest easy again after you learn...

"Who Else Wants To Discover The Cracked Code To Automatic Online Income... And How You Can Use It To Earn $791,403.84 Within Your First Year Online..."

And The Best Part About It Is, Anyone Can Copy This "System" For Success To Become Successful Online, 100% Guaranteed or Your Money Back...

And Yes... You Can Join From Anywhere In The World! It's real,
Just this morning... at 12:01 AM... I was lucky enough to get my hands on this brand new product called "the baby boomers guide to online income".

I couldn't sleep. I stayed up all night devouring the material. And I have to tell you, it contained stuff I never imagined.

I almost accidentally called what I learned, “tricks” but these aren't little gimmicks that will make you a few dimes for a little while. This is a detailed roadmap to online income, with every route highlighted and every exit circled.

After reading the book, all I can say is, “WOW!”

It's finally available.

Nick Marks, the Internet Marketing mastermind behind Forex Enterprise and so many other highly profitable Online Income books, shows step by step, exactly how he...

--Sucks $1000s PER DAY out of eBay without storing merchandise or packing even one box himself…
--Applies his hard-earned lessons to the niche that he can naturally make the most from…
--Follows a simple blueprint that can make him INSTANT money anytime he needs it…

And he explains it all in direct language, telling you exactly how you can do it too!

See for yourself. If I were you, I'd go there right now, because depending on what time you're reading this, the floodgates may have already been opened.

And how would you feel if you missed out on what could be the single greatest money making opportunity you'll ever be offered?

Listen... I already know this package is probably going to be the single most important investment you make this year...

...and the thing about investments is, you have to strike while the iron is... cheap!

I spoke to Nick from Marks Enterprises and even though “Baby Boomer’s Guide To Online Income” has only been out less than an hour, he's already talking about raising the price.

If you order in the next 48 hours ,I not only guarantee you the bona fide... rock bottom... lowest price ever on this book...

So stop “considering it” already, and don't so much as blink your eyes before you make it to the bottom of that page.

To Your Success...
your name

PS – Remember, you have to act fast by clicking and ordering from this page in order to be guaranteed the lowest price, and to get all the bonuses!

5 Day Cash Machine

4 Must Haves For Success With Autopilot Affiliate Income

Becoming an affiliate marketer is a dream of many because of all the benefits. You can work from anywhere, you don't have to deal with customer support, you don't have to create products, and on and on.

It seems though everywhere you turn there is some product promising you hundreds of thousands of dollars in affiliate profits. Most of this is mis-information and just rehashed information. The truth here is this...

Affiliate marketing consists of finding a good product to promote that has good commissions. Then taking that product creating an offer for it, and driving traffic to that offer.

You can't make money without those four things...

1. A good product
2. Good commissions
3. An offer
4. Traffic

Let's look at each of these in detail.

Let's say you are interested in gardening, and have come across some products that you love. You know they're good products, and you see they have an affiliate program that pays 40% commissions.

You just got two of the four things you need!

A good product with good commissions.

What if you don't have any idea of a good product with good commissions?

Then just do a search on any affiliate network for a subject that you are interested in, and you'll find great products with great commissions.

Now the next two things you need (An offer and traffic) is where the real struggle comes in.

An offer is simply anything you create that gets people to buy the product through your link.

This can be a blog post, an article, an ezine ad, a minisite, etc....

Creating multiple offers is actually ideal, but to get you started just create one, and then the last must have which is driving traffic.

Now once you have at least one offer created, you need to start driving traffic to it. I always use the following traffic methods...

Article marketing
Ezine advertising
Forum posting

There are several other tactics that you can use too.

The key thing to remember here is to follow what I've just taught you here, create a plan and implement that plan. Don't try this and that. Stick to what you know and only focus on it, and autopilot affiliate success will come!


Liz Tomey is an affiliate marketing expert specializing in teaching people easy to implement affiliate marketing systems. Her newest course "The 5 Day Cash Machine" shows you how in just 5 days you can build an affiliate income and a list you can market to over and over again. You can get more information on this course by going to below link.

Web 2.0 Stampede

Here's 100's Of Ways to get targeted traffic to your site...

If you're like me I bet you're always looking for new ways to get targeted traffic to your sites. If you're racking your brain to find red hot traffic sources
then you need to sit up and pay attention
right now.

I just discovered a site by a fellow named Chris Freville who has managed to put together an extremely valuable resource that will show you how to get an absolute stampede of targeted traffic straight to your site using the power of Web 2.0.


Web 2.0 is not some fad that's here today gone tomorrow.

Oh no!

Web 2.0 is definitely here to stay as it sets the new standard in web surfer interaction. Gone are the days of the static website, but instead web surfers are choosing what content they want to see.

Chris has developed a powerful resource which taps right into the heart of Web 2.0 and Social Networking sites. What he's uncovered is truly amazing. Using just one of the techniques Chris discusses using I have increased my visitors by over 300%

Don't let this pass you by. You'll be so glad you took a look...

You won't be disappointed.

To Your Success

5 New Breakthrough Websites Make Automated Income

There's a brand new Membership site that has 5 websites you get that make money for you automatically - and you can get them in just 6 minutes from now - all with just 1-click!

You can literally get 5 powerful websites that are already making money!

I'm NOT joking - I'll show you PROOF in a moment!

But what you need to know most is this:

You get...

1. 5 amazing websites!
2. 5 websites that convert sales automatically!
3. 5 websites that forcibly put money directly into your pocket!
4. 5 websites that are run by another firm for you (and at NO charge!)
5. 5 websites that continue to promote for you over & over!
6. 5 websites that grow & cultivate 5 separate proven lists!
7. 5 websites that function automatically (so you never run it!)
8. And 5 websites that you get Free HOSTING for!

And again, they all come in a very easy-to-use Members Area you get your own private Username & Password LOGIN to!

It's rumored that the husband and wife couple who operate the sites may either LIMIT how many people are allowed in, or at the very least "choke" down the flow of new Members so as not to let just anybody get in.

It's also been speculated that they may stop offering anymore "5-Site Set" Memberships after some time (and without notice) just to keep competition "alive and well" (but who really knows?)

Regardless of which, it's clearly understood that once you're in, *YOU'RE IN!* (So don't waste time, or worse still: DO NOT RISK IT!)

Here is the link in case you're smart and want in just like me and the few others who've found this so far:

Click here for Cash Making Power Sites