I bet you are even more fed up with not making a single dollar online.
That's what most of the emails I receive daily are about. The 'Average Joe' who wants to make some money online for the first time. Normally they are close to throwing in the towel and calling it a day. They just want to earn something.
Have you realised yet that internet marketing is changing? Do you already see the signs? Been looking for that niche that everyone is banging on about? Does everything you look at seem saturated? Are you finding that just about the world and their wife already has a monopoly on the market?
Just starting out and want to make sense of everything?
Have you tried and failed at eBay?
Gone on to try and conquer Adwords?
Tried to build a website to earn through Adsense?
No wonder you are fed up!
I have some good new for you today. Around six months ago I decided to play those damn Guru's at their own game. I was totally fed up with everything they were telling people. The 'Average Joe' was walking around with outdated information or something that was so complicated you needed a degree and dictionary in hand just to read the guide!
You see, for the last five years I have been quietly making money online. It wasn't always that way for me though. I struggled and almost went broke just trying to get hold of the guides and eBooks that were coming out.
Losing money hand over fist became like a hobby to me, I just refused to give up. One day something just kind of clicked. I took everything back to basics and threw away all those Guru guides.
When a friend of mine told me that she had just lost money following one of those plans to the letter, I knew it was time to let everyone know what I was doing.
Six months ago I released Squidoo Queen. I had people up and earning money within a matter of days! I even had one Guru ask me to stop telling people that it was so easy to make money online. Now though the times have changed. The methods have changed and it shocks me that more people than ever are still losing money online.
You can see more about my story by clicking here.

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